Category: Movement Coaching – Health & Wellness
i, I’m Georgia, owner of Confident Ground. Our classes and private sessions enhance your capacity for functional movement as the essential foundation for all life’s activities. Living in a largely sedentary society, many of us don’t get much practice with how to move. Teaching Qi Gong and functional movement along with private sessions in assisted dynamic stretching, I offer people methods to improve mobility, coordination, strength, and find enjoyment in the experience of movement. Our bodies and five senses are the source of significant intelligence that can inform the way we move through the world, if we have the tools to access it. I love providing folks with opportunities to become more aware of their bodies and develop confidence in their physical presence and capacities. Check out my website or contact me if you’d like to learn more!
Phone: (360) 738-6062
eMail: consult@confidentground.com
Website: confidentground.
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