Practitioner – Naturopathic Doctor

Weaving together medical knowledge, passion for food as medicine, counseling skill and intuition to serve your health, wholistic healing, and self-development goals.

Your Path to Whole Health

At Spacious Being, Dr. Jessica respects the inter-relatedness of healthy mind, healthy body, healthy communities, and healthy earth. She focuses on helping clients improve their individual health while maintaining curiosity and building awareness of how our collective attitudes and practices impact individuals and the earth. She believes food can be potent medicine, time in Nature nurtures our wellbeing, exercise is amazing, rest and connection are pillars of health, and deepening awareness is essential for sustainability.

It’s this philosophy that guides her approach, including her services, teachings and treatments that help clients achieve healthier bodies and minds. Curious to find out more? Schedule a 15 minute discovery call today.

Phone: (425) 891-5041